A notebook bulletin board
tacked on when randomly bored
applied thoughts in a scribblebook
open for the world to look who passes by
so fast to see like a needle in a haystack we
safely stash those innermost secrets thought to be
at least you see languishing up and into pristine
blossoms for you to pick and sniff and hope
they don't make you sick.



by  shaun A. lawton 

(Imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope (10 April 2019))

   My view of the universe and how we as a species may have come into being has significantly changed over the years.  Thirty years ago I mused over the possibility that the theory of panspermia (as postulated by Francis Crick) may have something to it.  That life here may have been seeded by extraterrestrial forces appealed to my burgeoning sense of curiosity, as a young man.  What I've come to understand since then is that it all lies in the particular manner by which this process may be achieved.   

   Fifteen years ago or so I began thinking more along a planet-centric view: that all life here including ourselves (despite intriguing clues presented by Sumerian cuneiform mythology concerning Ea and Enlil having engineered our race long ago after having arrived here from their Planet-X or whatnot) must've originated right here on Earth. 

   During this final month of 2019 (at the age of 54) I experienced a eureka moment concerning our origins and formation. Having considered how our galaxy and solar system may have formed (from around the quasar / black hole  / 'Sagittarius  A' radio source at its center) and having mused over the teachings of one of my heroes Thich Nhat Hanh ("human beings are comprised of non-human elements") the proverbial light bulb has flicked on in my mind like a supernova. 

   Considering the law of conservation of mass and energy and the second law of thermodynamics along with the larger-view picture of our universe still in motion and continuing its majestic dynamic evolution over time, I now have discarded the aforementioned theories of our origins as seeming, if not more jejune, at least more incomplete in their overall conception.  

   Further reasoning along the lines of my Law of Inversion (a counter-intuitive mode of analysis based on attempting to remain congruent with dynamics operating at the quantum level) has assisted my eureka moment into concurring with my latest revelation. Taking into account that SETI's search for signs of extraterrestrial life have thus far turned up empty-handed, and moreover inasmuch as the so-called Fermi Paradox remains unresolved, I now have a rather clear idea formed in my mind as to the resolution that all these mysteries concurrently point toward. 

   Our species and all life on this planet (as connected as we are to the DNA running through the whole system) may in fact be a summation of an eternal process having begun an unimaginable period of time ago which continues to blossom throughout the universe and repeatedly die off / shed its old skins in spectacular supernovas which reinstate through the production of black holes and quasars into new formations of analogous states of existence corresponding to our own and which we ourselves remain at the electromagnetic center of the spectrum in a relative manner resulting in the paradox of our own perceptions necessarily achieved through visible light and a stereo-optic split-mind objectification of the cosmos(which we imagine surrounds us but in reality lies more or less within us; that is, within the total system of which we are but microbes upon the expanding surface of)a cosmos constantly dying off and becoming reborn along a proximity of the continuum we currently belong to.  To wit: one reason both the Fermi Paradox and SETI remain unresolved in our minds is because we've been seeking to understand them in an antipodal mode.  In other words, the signs of extraterrestrials in actuality lie within our own bodies and manifested within all life on Earth at the micro-cellular level. The reason for this is because, as I mentioned above, all life on our planet at this current time of our animation remains a sum result set of cosmic processes still in the course of development. 

   This epiphany I've just been triggered into experiencing will continue to divulge more discoveries about the nature of our reality, I'm rather certain, for the remainder of my relatively limited lifespan here.   Stay tuned to this blog for more information as it becomes inloaded to my consciousness.  Thanks for subscribing or lurking and reading my posts, and be sure to share them since I figure it can't hurt for more people to be subject to my wild ruminations and thinking process about our presence in this most curious membrane of our expanding universe. The main reason I got this far in my philosophizing is because I kept on asking questions and never settled on any one given answer. The more one practices this art, the better one gets at recognizing the faults inherent to most of our questions, thus allowing for our improvement at discarding the spurious inquiries in order to begin asking new and even more appropriate ones.  In this manner we may be led closer to, and not stray farther from, the relativistic truth at the crux of the matter concerning our essence.  

detail of a digital image analysis of my cornea
(the white flare shows my cornea is torn)


Working Toward a Fermi Paradox Resolution

by  shaun lawton 

art by Greg Davis

   I will try my best to demonstrate how the so-called "Fermi Paradox" has already been resolved, or at the very least, remains a matter of having asked the wrong question. 

   When we factor in the quantum realm along with the actual nature of the spacetime continuum, certain aspects prove to be counter-intuitive; which is to say, paradoxical.

   Heraclitus has already pointed out that we may never step into the same  river twice. But what does that mean? Try to think of it this way. 

   The universe (an expression of electromagnetism) remains rather like a river, except it flows in all directions--that is, one trajectory: outward (since everyone already knows there's no orientation (up, down, left, or right) in outer space--and it does so at the speed of light, constantly expanding.

   This is precisely why all the countless extraterrestrial beings that have existed and will continue to come into existence have little, if any, hope of communicating with one another (much less making physical contact). If we gather our wits and focus on the matter better, in the future we may discover electromagnetic traces, that is, a sort of galvanic fossil evidence of their existence. 

   The scientific-minded have overlooked the startling fact that by the method of inference ( a type of faith) we may correctly deduce the existence of countless alien civilizations and life forms having almost certainly proliferated throughout the universe; all of which have at least one thing in common, which is sharing a relatively solitary existence. 

   I rest my case (or should I say--for the moment, I place a bookmark in my casebook files).

{to be cont.  See my 4 postscripts below for a general summation.} 

~Shaun Lawton
December 12, 2019
The Year of the Replicant



by Shaun A. Lawton 


   The Oort cloud is an area of debris divided into two regions surrounding our Sun, first the disc-shaped inner formation much closer to us (called the Hills cloud) and secondly the more spheroid shaped outer formation much farther away (the Oort cloud proper).  The distances these formations are positioned from our Sun have been speculated to range from 2,000 AUs to as far as 200,000 AUs (.03 to 2.3 light years). This cloud of orbiting ephemera is comprised predominantly of icy planetisimals.  

   To provide an idea how far from our Sun these theoretical formations of barren, frozen matter are, keep in mind that both the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc (the remaining  two reservoirs of TNOs) are less than one-thousandth as far from the Sun as the Oort cloud. The outer limit of the Oort cloud defines the cosmographical boundary of our solar system. 

   If the map is not the territory, then cosmography does not define the dominion of outer space. It is hypothesized that centaurs and comets most likely originate from somewhere in the Oort cloud.  Centaurs were named due to their sharing characteristics of both asteroids and comets. They are small solar system bodies whose orbits are perturbed by the gas giants. It is estimated there may be as few as 44,000 of them to as many as 10,000,000.  The first centaur to be discovered is called 944 Hidalgo. It was first observed the same year that Pluto was, in 1920.  It took another fifty-seven years before the centaur named 2060 Chiron was spotted (in 1977), indicating there may be a population of them.  The largest known centaur is named 10199 Chariklo. It orbits our Sun between Saturn and Uranus, grazing the orbit of Uranus.  It was discovered in 1997, twenty years after 2060 Chiron. Seventeen years after that, by observing a stellar occultation in the year 2014, 10199 Chariklo was revealed to have two rings, and became the first minor planet known to have rings.  It's potentially a dwarf planet with a diameter of 252 km. The orbits of centaurs are dynamically unstable which leads eventually to their ejection from our solar system.  

   It is theorized that the outer Oort cloud is only loosely bound to our solar system. If so, it would therefore be easily affected by the force of gravity from passing stars and our galaxy itself. It's speculated that these combined gravitational forces will occasionally dislodge these outer planetary bodies and send them toward our inner solar system.  

Termination Shock

   The cavity in the encompassing interstellar medium formed by our Sun is called the heliosphere. It's like a vast bubble continually inflated by plasma emitted from our star. The termination shock is that point in our heliosphere where the solar wind slows down to subsonic speeds because of interactions with our direct interstellar medium. The termination shock is believed  to exist at about 75 to 90 AUs from the Sun.  


   If we use our penchant for breaking down the cosmos about us into constituent parts in an effort to understand and then ironically achieve something closer toward the opposite of comprehending, then it goes without saying we could potentially incorporate a trick to spur on a more genuine sense of knowing the real nature of our surrounding universe.  Beginning with the tantalizing clue embodied by the word "surrounding," we may begin our odyssey of exploration by inverting our assumption that the universe"surrounds" us and instead, imagine that it exists somehow within our own hologrammatic superstructure that we've come to misleadingly refer to as "outer space."  

   Working back from this proposition, we might then adroitly leap to the extraordinary consideration that regardless of there being "billions and billions" of stars and galaxies in existence (a mere quantification), perhaps the true quality of nature encompasses everything as one singularity (of which the stars are mere cells of a larger colony or organism). If this were to be the case, well then of course this singular presence practically defies our ability to fathom its total nature. Yet we might make headway by contemplating that so-called 'existence' implies the possibility of 'non-existence'--an implication which itself must be held suspect due to our already having conceded to the possibility our knowledge of subsistence may be both limited and off-base enough from the startling picture as to more or less be cataloged as incorrect.  Here is where the very equilibrium of our grasp lies threatened, because certain words (like "nothing," for example) point toward that which we are fundamentally incapable of processing with a suitable degree of rational coherence. Such are the consequences of the relativity of our position in the quantum realm. 

   Since our seemingly thorough scrutiny of the nature of our own planet through the lens of science has revealed many relative facts that we have measured and duplicated with enough experimentation to at least provide us with a stable enough platform by which we have perceived some of the elemental forces at work here upon this third planet orbiting our local star, we are at least offered an opportunity by which we may, perhaps, envision a model closer to the beating heart of reality. The idea that the entire universe may be connected by vast, electromagnetic umbilical cords threading through the manifestation of quasars and black holes in the form of plasma before it cools down enough to transmogrify into the baser quantum states of gases, liquids, and solids which we find ourselves both surrounded by and comprised of ourselves may occur to any thinking beings whose attention spans for such meticulous thought exercises aren't too limited to consider more fully than before.  

   Our being immersed in this smattering of celestial "trees" begins to immediately cloud our minds to this cosmic "forest" of which we appear to be just individual dwellers.  Sometimes I consider the skein of blue sky to be the membrane which better represents our own skin than the single largest organ of the human body itself does, and I find myself imagining if this translucent barrier were to be crossed, would it result in an inversion of perception where everything we formerly imagined to be right-side-in were in actuality wrong-side-out, and by that I mean to suggest our incarnation as necessarily being equipped with bicameral minds which process the stimuli about us by virtue of split-mind objectification may result in a binary paradigm of perception that limits true comprehension of our emergent situation to a more manageable disposition of preconception; i.e, a condition tantamount to an ignorance that we may only slowly, if at all, occasionally begin to grow out of before reaching the individual limits of our respective tethers to the ground of being. 

   The fruition of this predilection manifests in the form of awakened Zen masters and poets or ardent disciples of ontological philosophy in the process of attempting to master abstract logic and concrete ideologies. It's been suggested as well as outright stated in various human belief systems that knowledge itself may be "the forbidden fruit" which we are advised to refrain from indulging in, a reference that in and of itself may point to the dark heart of our paradoxical situation of having been granted not only existence here in this present domain but also the ability to perceive it. It's been hinted that what defines our materiality would be better expressed in terms of information than matter itself as we are accustomed to thinking of it. 

   To understand the universe of matter as being information itself and our awareness of it as a mere reflection of that appears to beckon some human acolytes of accuracy onward in their search for meaning. As an ardent supporter of these notions, it's now occurring to me after all these extensive considerations that the best thing I might do for myself as I seem to approach the very threshold of apprehension in order to glimpse that obscure and glossy impression of the fruit borne of this personal quest, would be to all of a sudden cease and desist with continuing to reach out for this harvest of wisdom, and to turn my mind away from it, recalling the urgency of that alleged commandment still echoing from various sacred texts we've become familiar with over many generations. Although this information appears to have presented itself enough for me to be aware of its presence, I must consider the occluded nature of my general awareness remains enshrouded in doubt, if not near total blindness. And we all know what they say about ignorance. This may be just one of the reasons it can hurt to dream.   


Exalted Dominion

  by shaun lawton 

    As of this moment, late in the year 2019, it's been stated that sixty-five percent of our planet remains unexplored.  More than eighty percent of our oceans have been alleged to remain unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored. Most of our world's species, they say, remain undiscovered.  It's estimated today that there are 8.7 million species on the planet (6.5 million on land and 2.2 million in the oceans).  Yet only one and a half million species have been discovered to date.  Take a moment to let this all sink in. 

   Current extinction rates mean that many unknown organisms will cease to exist before we can even discover them.  If our planet were compared to a giant cake with the frosting representing all the species on it, then humanity has barely even licked a tiny portion of the frosting throughout our existence.  One conclusion to be drawn from this data is that extinction events become moot points for us. 

   Think of it this way. We're all going to die anyway. Okay, let's say, for the sake of argument, there was no extinction event going on at all. Nonetheless, the overwhelming majority of species on this planet would not be discovered by us during our lifetimes.  So although a massive extinction event is most certainly underway even as we live out our relatively short human lifespans here today, when considering this in a relative manner, it should be readily apparent how inconsequential all of this information really becomes. This is one reason I believe that one of the greatest diseases we suffer from is knowledge itself. 

   Think about it all you want, or for however long it takes you to realize what I'm trying to relate. I'm stating you should shut your eyes to see clearly. I'm suggesting we are all dreaming wide awake. Mass extinctions on the level of multiple holocausts are occurring every time we blink our eyes. The next time you open your eyes think about this. All of these mass extinctions going on right now are tantamount to the planet shedding so many individual cells. It's like the Earth has been constantly sloughing off its skin ever since the day we were born into it. We've been likened to fleas on a dog before, but aren't we really more like dandruff on the hide of a colossus?  

   One thing we should all be able to agree upon is the simple fact that total and absolute extinction doesn't even exist; it's a myth, a fairy tale. Sort of like the idea of death itself, perhaps the most misunderstood and horrifying legend of them all. I understand this may not make sense to most people reading this. All I'm trying to say is, sure, it's natural to be terrified of our own deaths, yet I think we should at least try to take some comfort in being aware that overall, it's not so much life on earth being threatened with extinction, but our own understanding of the facts; something which, in and of itself, we should all welcome with a blessed sense of relief. 

   So we should all set ourselves at ease knowing that thinking is a disease. While the ordinary run of the mill business of killing and dying continues to persist, in blissful ignorance we ourselves never really cease to exist. If you think about it enough, you begin to realize that while individuals continue to die, the colony thrives.  So before we each give up the ghost, let's all make a toast, "Long live the Host." 


Venus Fetus Earth Birth

The history of space travel  encapsulated 
in our voyage from Venus to Earth 

astride our cosmic planetary steed
after our Sun had spat out its seeds

from the intersection of a nuclear furnace 
and the absolute nexus of a black hole  

we came to step out of searching for who brought us here
We look all about seeing nothing but land and blue sky

All of our heads filled with the need to explain why
Side effects of our programming built in to question


Darker Than Charcoal

Scientists working with the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission have found that Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is darker than charcoal. It is compared to Earth and the moon in this image released on Jan. 22, 2015. 

(Image: © ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/RSSD/INTA/ UPM/DASP/IDA and Gordan Ugarkovich (Ear
th); Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University (Moon); ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM (67P/C-G))

Mr. Churyumov-Gerasimenko's skin tone is darker than charcoal. A stealth diver swimming towards us through the inky darkness of space.  He's long been accustomed to his precise orbital trajectory about our Sun. He's been making the rounds ever since his promethean race of Phaetonites launched the First Exodus Campaign that led to our ancestor's migration to Mars. The moon was involved in that cosmic spectacle as well, only it was placed deliberately about Earth's orbit, back then. They called it the Guardener, in the sense that it tended the field of our planet's atmosphere as well as stood as solitary sentinel about our otherwise vulnerable world. It could be said today that Mr. Churyumov-Gerasimenko has a date with an old counterpart, the moon.  Exactly how that all manages to go down remains to be seen. That is the stuff of prophecy. Pieces of the game set in motion long ago are getting ready to become assembled as players. The tantric holography of the endless system weaves about itself into nesting cages of hearts. The second law of thermodynamics becomes the mobius link which drives this eternal engine. Stay tuned for more details as they come in the form of compressed digital missives sent by the BloodHost in the form of the "nanohorde," having arrived embedded within neutrinos as messages received beginning ten years ago, via a far-away black hole [cosmic postal service], and still ongoing today during intermittent intervals.    

Mr. Churyumov-Gerasimenko

image courtesy of ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM. It is not a Promethean hunchback glancing at the camera.

My favorite comet, the Jupiter-family member Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) from the Kuiper belt, can be seen revealed here in this greyscale photograph as yet another altogether grotesque parody of the original series of uncanny pareidolia examples which have led me on a veritable roller coaster of viewpoints and angles showcasing the comet as a promethean bust and now their imprints have fossilized into the phosphenes of my squeezed shut eyes until I cannot escape their haunting evocation any longer, don't tell me that isn't an old hunch-backed mummified humanoid with its head turned slightly to the left toward the camera lens. Nevermind the two white pixels representing the burning cores drilling from the pinpoint pupils of its eyes. Forget about the cheekbone and nose and mouth, the hunched over head, all the rudimentary nodules weathered off the sectioned torso, just forget that you ever even thought about imagining such a thing. This pareidolia phenomenon is nothing to look at. It's not the mummified carcass of an ancient progenitor. Get out of here. We've got philosophizing to do. Why is this comet so damn freakish.  

Why do I keep thinking about Ceres and all the fresh water on it--far more than all the water on our planet's oceans combined. Couldn't Ceres be the largest remaining chunk of the legendary planet Phaeton? Could the yawning chasm of the asteroid belt hold the answers to our species' long buried origins? Has a faction of humanity in the far future actually sent back nanocomputers in time shrunken down to fit inside neutrinos and beamed them back through the center of a black hole to the year 2009 where a hospital transporter working in radiology got the nanoswarm embedded in him and that's how he was programmed to put out the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction on blogger, because the BloodHost downloaded the executable file in him at the behest of the human crew on Ceres/Mars/Ganymede (or whatever the case may be)?  Ever since I received the messages I've also been directed to images of the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, and coincidentally enough, it does belong to the Jupiter family of TNOs, from what I've been led to understand. In another recent missive, I found suggestions that a colony of human astronauts may have survived in (our future) one or more various nodal points throughout this solar system; Mars, Ceres, and Ganymede being the likeliest among them.  I've been led to suspect that the group who sent the freezine missive may be one of these stranded colonies. The interceding bits of the directive get stitched together in time. Eventually the meaning will get carried across and get through to us all. In the meantime we can only wait in thrall.  We've got our eyes on you, Mr. Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In the coiled poise of an adder's head (a sigil for cell division) the human fetus lies within a series of nesting doll's wombs blossoming in the stellar nexus. Just another death's head moth chrysalis preserved for the transmutation of dragon like extremophiles. 

No, this final perspective of Churyumov-Gerasimenko does not resemble an iconic curled up petrified human foetus, so get that thought out of your head right this minute. It has nothing to do with what this comet of the Outer Dark that comes from Jupiter's family of Trans-Neptunian-Objects was sent to accomplish, of course not, the uncanny resemblances to various hominid postures and evolutionary stages are completely happenstance, there's nothing to see here or think about folks, just scroll on to the next blog; nothing's on its way.   


quantum transmon

A transmon is a custom-designed electrical circuit devised to control quantum phenomena in scientific experiments.  (To enter the quantum world, one must be necessarily chilled to within one-thousandth of a degree above absolute zero.)  These are the tiniest details here at the bottom of experience, on the smaller end of the spectrum.  At 37 degrees Celsius, how much closer to absolute zero are we than to the mean temperature of the Sun?

The center of the sun is 15,000,000° Celsius. 
That's 27 million degrees if you're in America.
The surface of the sun is 5,600° Celsius.  
That's ten thousand degrees over here. 
We are 37° Celsius.  That's about ninety-nine degrees in the USA.  
Absolute zero is -275.15° Celsius.  We're talking almost six hundred degrees below zero, here. 

We are by several thousands of orders of magnitude that much closer to absolute zero than we are anywhere near the temperatures of the sun.  Not much of a difference in the weather in other words (by contrast to the scorching fires of hell). We are veritably simmering out here on a just thawed out surface; a-broil along the scintillating edge of time's razor sharp blade.

Absolute zero by definition means a cessation of the movement of atoms. A total reality freeze. You mean to tell me that we exist just three hundred and twelve degrees Celsius above absolute zero?   That's a difference of 594 degrees Fahrenheit. (As opposed to the 15 million degrees Celsius at the center of the Sun.)

Say the mean temperature of Hell is fifteen million degrees Celsius.  Does that make the temperature of heaven two-hundred-and-seventy-five degrees below zero? (Of course not. It only goes to show how figuring goes. If we cared to, it could be proven the temperature of paradise lies somewhere in between; say, about thirty-seven degrees Celsius (from what I've seen).

So the claim goes that what lies after in our imagined paradise could be necessarily very different than our conditional environment we're accustomed to here in the flesh, and that's understandable, all things considered. But for the sake of an argument that stands to be gained here and now, I'm fine with an even thirty seven degrees Celsius in Eden.  The more I think about it, the more oppressively hot it seems, to me.  Six hundred degrees above absolute zero....

This contention proves we're in a sort of living hell already.