A notebook bulletin board
tacked on when randomly bored
applied thoughts in a scribblebook
open for the world to look who passes by
so fast to see like a needle in a haystack we
safely stash those innermost secrets thought to be
at least you see languishing up and into pristine
blossoms for you to pick and sniff and hope
they don't make you sick.



1. Our natural state is that of a whore.
2. Because one picture is worth a thousand words.
3. The more the exposure, the cheaper the appearance.
4. By controlling one's image, transcendance is possible.
5. Total exposure, the actual self, is the most base.
6. When revealing yourself, less equals more.
7. This is how you salvage some grace.
8. Knowing the painted is the real face.
9. So you see the unbridled danger of honesty.
10.How appropriate not to spread the truth.

Open Letter

Dear World,

Today I think I finally understand
something. How to end terrorism.
All terrorism, great and small.
Infernal or holy.

Think: Instead of maintaining
as we have for centuries, that "God is on our side"
(as if it were in contradiction to our adversary's situation)
why not instead try giving them the benefit of the doubt?

We could say to them "You are right and we are wrong.
There's just one thing. Real humanity represents
a mix of all that is most sublime and beautiful
with all that is most vile and monstrous in the world.
A vigorous thinker by the name of Michael once stated this.
We Americans understand now that in order to get over this,
we refer to one aspect as divine and the other bestial,
representing divinity and animality as two poles,
and in between we've placed ourselves, humanity.

We at long last have come to realize, in painful hindsight,
that these three states are not, and never have been,
seperate at all. And our history can be said to have
diligently worked at keeping them seperate, which is to say,
destroy their unity. Which is to say, destroy ourselves.
This destruction when focused in on to the highest resolution
(the present) can be seen directly in terrorism and wars.

We Americans now realize that if we earnestly desired
the cessation of these things, it would be necessary
to abandon our insistence in believing in this
notion of God. We Americans are willing to admit
we are growing up, and that it is necessary for us
to change our minds

Therefore, we can also add "Have your God. You may keep Him."It is not that we are getting rid of ours, but rather
we've woken up to the reality that He was never as we
had envisioned Him in the first place.

We Americans have decided it's time to acknowledge
that the three poles of our religious creed:
divinity, humanity, and animality, are indeed one entire
inseparable entity. We Americans believe it is time to
walk the walk and truly emancipate ourselves,
and become free. We Americans throw off the shackles
of our outdated conception
of God;
you keep your own conception, as you wish.

We simply want to acknowledge
the wholeness, the unity of all men, beasts,
and living things. In our moment of clarity,
we are even willing to concede that non-living
things may deserve our respect as also being
a part of this scattered whole, and will do our best
to respect them as well, and not defile them.

We Americans are tired of remaining unconscious slaves
to the false order of divinity implemented so many
generations ago, which gives the state power and license
to unevenly distribute the wealth and well-being
of our nation. We feel that if we finally stop
trying to keep these three aspects of our humanity
and existence separate, then the process of healing
will begin. But we feel honor-bound to warn you:
we see now that your own society is fundamentally
no different than ours. It could be said that
you are at a different stage than us in your status as
(necessarily) Slaves to the counterbalancing status of
your Master. Allah is within you, as God is within us.

"Allah" and "God" are just two words in different languages
which reference the same thing. Our task ahead is difficult.
For it is not about which of us is right, but rather,
that we are both wrong. This simple truth can be difficult
to accept. We Americans will put down our pride.

We hope you will be able to put down your own, as well.
But your business is your own. If you wish to continue
putting a strain on creation with your spiritual divisions,
we are sorry. But we thought you should know
that we will not tolerate this state of underdeveloped
maturity within ourselves any longer.

We now know we were wrong, and are prepared to admit it.
We are also very excited about turning
our now more grown-up minds back to
the original question of divinity.

We will remind ourselves that the face of God is something
we can not ever totally see. We are enthusiastic about
the prospect of revisualising the divinity of the whole
of life on this planet, and our roles in it.

We can only hope that, given some positive results,
that you may look forward sometime to doing the same,
and free yourselves from the chains you yourselves wrought.
See these chains of ours? They say "made in USA".
We are getting rid of them, at long last. We now see
why Church and State must be kept separate.

We will reclaim our heritage, for our fore-fathers
already laid the groundwork for us; we simply forgot it.
Our fear got the best of us, and consequently has left us
exposing the worst. We Americans vow to remember
what it really means to be the home of the brave.
(Our indigenous predecessors not withstanding)
it refers to the courage required to defy these antiquated
religious doctrines imposed upon us, so that we might truly
embrace our freedom, having tossed off the shackles
of oppression. Voltaire was quoted as saying
"If God weren't real, it would be necessary
for us to invent him.
" But he was checkmated
with the statement "If God were real,
it would be necessary to abolish him.

I say this reveals to us that the natural state of affairs
is without the existence of "God" -- at least the old
conception of God we have formulated across the expanse
of our mass consciousness -- and therefore,
what we are about to abolish is merely our old,
faulty preconceptions about what "God" is.

We Americans see now that this may be the only way
to stand a chance at starting over again.
When our state of slavery to these embedded
notions is annulled, then so too will the power
be dissolved not from God -- remember, that was only
a flawed concept to begin with; a mistaken understanding --
but rather, the power will be dissolved from those
factions of humanity which served to (mis)represent
the delegates of this divine authority.

And they are precisely the ones whom we are
the most desperate to have stripped of this power.
We Americans insist on history's first peaceful revolt.
Because we have thought this through, and we now can see
how this dynamic has worked, all these years.
We Americans are committed to allowing
the healing process to begin.


Our saving grace (should we be mistaken about
God) will naturally be, that to have attempted
this thing will only be relegated to the already
accepted notion of having sinned, something no
different than where we are at now.
We Americans know we have nothing to lose.




The promotion of intellectual crime
by way of tanno-gallate of iron,
with gum arabic and water, used to
facilitate the infection of idiocy

may have transmogrified through
various properties and incantatory
rituals, from ink to email, but
the function remains the same, to make

reputations, and unmake them; to blacken
them or to make them white.
The caustic quest is to burn
these stories into the mind's eye.

Imperial associations are gradually corroded.
With these staves the music is woven with which
we charm the serpents of iniquity from guarding
our enemies' treasure. That being their secret identity.




Check out the reflections
and notice similarities,
shake out recollections and
get rid of the disparities.

There's an organization on the crawl,
it's left its shadow on the wall.
The imprints are diminishing and
respectively we're finishing

the arcs of each dream
strung out like a rosary
spinning us dizzy and
leaving simply no choice

but to choose to use
the protocols we confused
for inconveniences.
If change is the name

of the norm, then we
must modify our form
to not just embrace it,
but skilfully surf it.

Resistance is futile.
Hang Ten with each new wave.
Crunch the numbers and mold them
so they work for, not against us.

Do the math first;
minimize the worst.
Stay on top, and
get the drop.

Push against the blade
with a chain mailed fist.
Use that edge against them
so they cut their own wrist.

I'm sorry but I must insist
we get with the program before
the moderators get pissed
But here's the gist:

Allowing yourself to be
programmed is to follow
the rest and be damned.
Take the reigns and surf the wave.

Start shaping the new plan.
Wear it like armor.
Give it time and soon
it will feel like a new skin.

Shed the old fears
and feel the sudden wind.
Spread your tailored sails
and let the voyage begin.


What If...

...There is no such thing as extraterrestrials,
only post-terrestrials (and pre-terrestrials).

...The vastness of space holds no alien life;
only across time can alien life forms emerge
(before or after us on the timeline).

...Earth is the virtual center of our creation.

We like to think of space as this sort of
"wide open area", like a vast room;
when in fact, space may be nothing of the sort.
Rather, it might be more like a vast labyrinth
comprised of the narrowest passages linking
to each other in an interminable array of
unpredictable twists and turns.

What if the wide gyre of sprawled starpoints
spread out before us in the night sky was
really nothing but the illumination reaching
us from long ago, now dead stars?
/end 'as if you haven't heard that before'
This would indicate that perhaps - the only
real, living portions of the universe are that
branch of the galaxy we are a part of. Said branch
would extend from our system from two (and only two)
directions; in one direction the remainder of our branch
of the Milky Way extends (of which we are roughly
three-fourths of the way along already); in the other
direction the branch of our galaxy upon which we are
situated extends towards the central hub.

One or both of these directions could be in our
"blind spots". They may extend just beyond the curve
of our cosmic horizons. All remaining stars spangled
and glittering across the night may be nothing but
backdrop afterglow, the galactic equivalent of a sort
of peripheral glare.

Only portions of our own branch of the galaxy,
extending in two directions from us,
might be glimpsed sunken brightly amidst the murk
and glare of all those lost stars beyond.