A notebook bulletin board
tacked on when randomly bored
applied thoughts in a scribblebook
open for the world to look who passes by
so fast to see like a needle in a haystack we
safely stash those innermost secrets thought to be
at least you see languishing up and into pristine
blossoms for you to pick and sniff and hope
they don't make you sick.


making level

Can you picture how difficult it is
to try and convince them of the truth -?
Of course you can. I was put here not to refute
the word of God -- but as a free independent thinker
to try and prove to them on their own terms that He exists.

In order to do this (and you know how mysteriously He works)
He made it necessary for me to have my own mind.
Only in this way could I stand a chance against them.
One price to pay is my own brethren may think me judas.

I am the trick joker. The out-smoker.
From their caves I'll draw them up.
I am His son, just like everyone.
Only I believe it.

I'm the post hypnotic magi.
The self corrective mirror.
A quintessential tragedy.
In laughter disappearing.

To the white eye missing
I am the black button.
When I am gone there
will be your proof.



I believe in stories.
I'll be leaving stories.

What stories will be leaving you?


Since I believe in the truth
and the truth cannot be known
I know that I believe in what
I cannot.

What do you know?


I believe in a lot of things.

I believe a lot of things can be one thing.
I could even believe that everything was one thing.
And when balanced against this contrast,
I could believe in nothing, when I chose to.

What I'm not quite prepared to do
yet is declare your belief my air.
I believe in seperate perspectives.
I believe in valuing the picture

they complete. I believe you can lead
a friend but cannot make them eat.
I believe everyone feeds.
Only by letting go are we free.

What Do I Believe In?

My answer would be belief
and the abstinence thereof,
calculatedly balanced.

The more you get a sense for it*
is by having been allowed exposure to it -
How much can they know - brought up on that pap?
They must've concluded they were not authorized to sense.
To exist. To really even be in the first place.

How much you can believe what your eyes see
flashing before you on the TV depends
entirely on how much you believed in
everything else they ever told you.